Meet Juma Cyril

Juma Cyril

Juma was born on 23rd August 1995. He is in the seventh grade class of Rhotia Primary School in Rhotia, Tanzania.
His fathers name is Cyril, and his mothers name is Asinath. She is divorced. He has one brother whose name is Junior, who is 18 years old, and he has 3 sisters. Aisha is 24 years old, and she has finished form four. Nenuo is 25 years old she has finished form three (secondary school in 2009). The last born is Esther 10, years old, and she is in grade six at Rhotia Primary School.
The family lives in a rented house 1.5 km from Rhotia Primary school. They earn their living from a small hotel in Karatu where their mother and sister, Aisha, and brother, Junior who has ust finished secondary education in 2008 live. The family doesn’t earn much from the hotel, so sometimes they must get help from relatives and friends Juma is doing well in class, and he likes English, mathematics, Science, Swahili and social studies. He would like to join secondary school, and after that he would like to be a teacher or soldier.
He would like to do the computer training class because he wants to learn more about other people, and he is interested in America and to know more about America and Americans.
Juma has started computer training in Project Rhotia's computer Lab. Lisa Becker and Tom Schmidt (Through a gift from Renate and Klaus Schmidt) have chosen to be his Level One Sponsors